Nutritionist in Dubai for Diabetes

Nutrition is a critical part of diabetes care. Balancing the right amount of carbohydrates, fat, protein along with fibre, vitamins and minerals helps us to maintain a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Getting the balance right can help the body to stay in prime condition, but what is the right balance of nutrients? People have been arguing over the ideal mix for generations and the discussion still rages today.

For people with diabetes, there is at least one extra consideration for our nutritional needs and that is the question of how our blood sugar levels will respond to different diets.

Best Nutritionist in Dubai

Our service offers evidence-based weight loss and nutrition programs from a group of exceptional experts. We offer full access to three different disciplines, including diet, medical and psychological assistance to help you achieve your objectives. We are the top nutritionists in Dubai and your journey begins with a comprehensive assessment that will assess your health and set achievable goals and create a customized health plan. The plans may include:

Additionally, we have a team of experts clinically tested weight loss programs

  • l  Support for the psychological (e.g. tools for understanding and managing the effects of stress)

  • l  Advice and guidance on diet (with specific meals plans)

    Our mission is to assist you to shed weight and improve your overall health and well-being to avoid weight loss surgery and to make permanent lifestyle adjustments. We keep track of and assess your progress, assisting you to achieve long-term success.

Best Nutritionist in Dubai for PCOS/PCOD

If overweight women are overweight there are a variety of symptoms and the chance of developing long-term health issues due to PCOS can be significantly reduced by losing weight. 

A loss of five percent could lead to a reduction in PCOS. It is possible to determine if you're in good shape by measuring your BMI. (BMI) which calculates your weight respective to your height. You can shed weight by regularly exercising and eating a balanced and balanced diet. We can provide complete guidelines. 

Your diet should contain plenty of vegetables and fruits, (at least 5 portions per day) Whole food items (such as wholemeal bread or whole-grain cereals as well as brown rice) as well as lean meats, chicken, and fish. 

Consult Rashi Chowdhry, A leading nutritionist in Dubai for the right and healthier diet plan.